So it's a fairly straightforward decision for us to make.'
Also, our ease of making it available to non-console owners has grown. The cost of making games goes up with each cycle, as the caliber of the IP has improved. There's an opportunity to expose those great games to a wider audience and recognize the economics of game development, which are not always straightforward. Particularly from the latter half of the PS4 cycle our studios made some wonderful, great games. We find ourselves now in early 2021 with our development studios and the games that they make in better shape than they've ever been before. When asked why Sony held back on releasing games on PC for such a long time, he explained why the company decided to change their approach.
In addition to burning topics like PS5 stock shortages and the delay of Gran Turismo 7, Ryan was also questioned about the company's desire to bring more Playstation titles to PC. Ryan was interviewed by GQ about Sony's plans for a next-generation PSVR headset and the future of PS5. Let's start by breaking down the latest developments and the current situation.